Happy New Year!! I know I’m a little late but I’ve been under the weather and it left me drained with no motivation, but I’m excited about everything that 2018 will bring to Sweat In Mascara.
First, I want to say thank you to all of my readers. Your support, engagement, comments, and uplifting words take me a long way. Thank you all for being so sweet, it does not go unnoticed.
I learned so many lessons in 2017. I’d be lying if I told you it was all great. I had so many lows in 2017. For a minute, I thought I was going to lose my mind. Car wrecks, toxic relationships, depression, anxiety, and fear were a few of my low points, but the highlights were high. I took my power back! I wore a two-piece for the first time in 34 years, while 24-year-old Chasi would be too ashamed to post a full body photo (growth), I attended New York Fashion Week, I was recognized as an influential woman and received an award in my city, I was featured in publications locally, I had my first-second-and third speaking engagement, and worked with some of my favorite brands. I’m sincerely humbled.
I do not have a long list of resolutions. I have a few simple goals, but most importantly this year I have vowed to be all about my PEACE and I’m letting go of “FAT SHAMERS”!!
I remember when I was a kid we would say the old cliche, “Stick and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”. That’s a lie! Words hurt and they haunt you for years if you don’t put a stop to it. We have the power to let it all go and my days of being “A FAT *&^%$” is OVER! I’ve been fat-shamed pretty much my whole life. You know the moment when a person wants to put you down they insult your size by dropping the other “F BOMB”. Being fat has not stopped me from pursuing my passion, marrying the man of my dreams, or teaching many women in my area about fitness. It has not stopped me from being a successful mom, teacher, and friend. It has not stopped me from dressing to the 9’s, winning, and living my best life!
A message to the girl growing up FAT, when someone calls you fat it’s only because they have low self-worth. You are beautiful, talented, and capable. You are well able to do anything you put your mind to. You can be the next astronaut, brain surgeon, or style guru. You are attractive. When someone calls you FAT in a way that insults your confidence and in a way that is condescending and bring you down it is only because they have nothing else to say. They can’t say that you are ugly, uneducated, or unsuccessful. You keep moving forward! Keep inspiring, growing, and glowing the world needs you!
I’m wearing the Pearl Bedding Mesh Bodysuit and the Ruffle Hem Skirt from Shein. The placement of every pearl and gold bead on this bodysuit warmed up my heart in 20-degree weather. This top is perfect for a special night on the town and the skirt is a mixture of polyester and spandex which screams comfort. This skirt will be in heavy rotation forever. It’s perfect for date night, girl’s night, church, or a day at the office. Shein is making it easy for plus size women to wear trendy and affordable clothing. The prices are perfect especially if saving coins is on your resolution list. You can save 20% when you use the code “Sweatin20”.
I know that 2018 will be a year of bigger blessings. Did you have any resolutions? Let me know.
Love it !!!
Thanks so much
Beautiful Uplifting read as always! Keep winning Sis! Skies the limit!❤️
Thanks so much for taking the time to read. It means so much.
Absolutely love your page. You own your space and tou truly capture the essence of what beauty should feel like. There is a look but the feeling displayed through your photos, inspires, encourages and helps to build confidence. A new fan and glad to say I love what I see.
You are such an inspiration to young girls and adults as well! You Rock!